how did I get in here?

3 min readAug 12, 2024


Aren’t you wondering how we have come this far? How has everything changed? How did we grow up? Because I do.

Years ago, I used to drink milk every day, but now, I can’t even manage to make a glass of milk.

I used to eat thrice a day before, but now, I’m barely eating. Now, I mostly eat only once a day.

I used to socialize a lot before, but now, talking to people—even the close ones—tires and drains me a lot, as if they have the power to take my energy from me.

Before, studying felt good and was something I wanted to do, but now, it has become a responsibility that if only I can, I will leave everything behind. How did I get in here?

Before, I used to cry loudly even in front of my parents and elders so that I could tell them my problems and concerns. But now, I always cry alone and in the most silent way for them not to know what I’m going through. I even have to clutch my stomach to stop my sobs from getting loud.

Before, I cried even in the simplest things, but now, I cry because of the things that kill me. I’ve learned how to stop myself from crying in front of others.

Since when did things become like this? Since when did everything change? Since when did I grow up?

How come happiness becomes hard to reach for me? How did I get to a point where I started restricting happiness from flowing within me? How did I get in here?

The laughter that used to fill the air with joy and camaraderie now echoes hollowly in the chambers of my heart, a bittersweet reminder of the happiness that seems to elude me. The smiles that once lit up my face now feel like masks hiding the cracks and fractures beneath the surface.

The weight of responsibilities and expectations has cast a shadow over the once bright landscape of my emotions, making it a daunting task to find solace in the simple pleasures that used to light up my world.

How did the path to happiness become so obscured, shrouded in the fog of uncertainty and doubt, leaving me to wander in search of the brightness that once enveloped my heart?

Years ago, my poker face spoke volumes of my mood, and my smile radiated genuine happiness. Now, they have merged into masks, concealing my true emotions. Behind the facade of stoicism lies a whirlwind of feelings, and beneath the plastered smiles are the pain I can never say and remain buried deep down in me.

Once, the promise of tomorrow filled me with hope and anticipation, a beacon of light guiding my steps toward the unknown. But now, the thought of facing another day feels like a heavy burden, weighing down my spirit with a sense of dread and weariness. The love I once held for life has dimmed, like a flickering flame struggling to stay alight amidst a raging storm.

The world, once vibrant and full of color, now appears through gray-ash-colored lenses, casting a shadow over even the brightest moments and leaving me to navigate through a landscape devoid of the joy and wonder that once illuminated my path. How did the vibrant tapestry of life unravel into this monochromatic canvas of despair?

I find myself at a confusing point in life, wondering how I got here. The journey that brought me to this moment is full of choices and challenges that shaped who I am today. As I reflect on the path that led me here, I question how the bright moments of the past turned into uncertainties, leading me to this moment of thinking and learning.

How did I get in here?




Written by Krysੈ♡˳

— Just a girl who wants to be heard and seen.

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