I hate waking up every morning. I hate the idea of waking up every morning with nothing but a heavy heart. Waking up feeling the same pain and regrets I felt yesterday brought too much pain to me. Waking up with no longer love or hope in life ruined my day even tho the day just started.
I hate everything about waking up. I’m so tired of seeing the world in gray-ash-colored lenses. Have you ever felt like giving up after waking up? Because I do. I always feel that. Waking up with a heavy heart and empty soul makes me want to rotten myself in bed.
I don't want to get up from the bed, I don't like to face today. I don't want to see what today brings me. Will it bring me healing or more suffering and regrets? It's as if the world around me has lost its color, leaving me to navigate through a sea of gray and emptiness.
Despite the sun peeking through the curtains, its light fails to penetrate the darkness that shrouds my thoughts each morning. The weight of unspoken words and lost opportunities presses down on me, making the simple act of getting out of bed feel like an overwhelming challenge.
The world outside beckons with its demands and expectations, yet I find myself retreating further into the cocoon of my despair. The cycle of waking up to the same regrets and pains leaves me feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of hopelessness.
This has been a routine for me. It’s like a cycle I can never get out of. Each day feels like a relentless battle against my thoughts that eventually leads me to a place of solitude.
Amidst that kind of experience, I still hope that I will be seeing the world again in rose-colored lenses. I miss waking up in the morning with nothing but love for life. I would like to see myself waking up with a smile on my face and feeling excited for the day ahead. Thinking about the good things this day will bring me.
I would like to feel again the feeling of excitement knowing that I will eat with my family at our dining table, meet my friends at school, and learn new things. I really miss those feeling and I’m hoping that I will feel it again.
I hope life will still give me the chance to feel those things again.