Weeks ago, life seemed okay. Things were in their right places, people were happy, and everything was in its place.
I remember being so happy for the past weeks. Optimism overflowed within me, but it turns out I was just distracting myself from the challenges I faced.
Then, life shifted its axis. Maybe it was a conversation, a realization, a loss, or a simple change in routine. Whatever it was, it cracked the facade of stability, revealing the cracks beneath.
Now, the world feels different. The familiar comfort of routine has faded, replaced by a sense of uncertainty and unease. What once felt secure now feels fragile, like a house built on shifting sand.
Home no longer feels like home. Stress and negativity have taken over, weighing heavily on me. Everything makes me anxious. I experience panic attacks, literally everywhere and anytime.
Simple things are taking a toll on me. Low grades, judging stares, and even the way I walk in public, all contribute to my anxiety. Even the smallest matters hurt me, such as getting shouted at, panicking in the middle of a recitation, and more.
The anxiety feeds on my self-doubt, whispering insidious lies in my ear. "You’re not good enough," it hisses. "You’re going to fail." I replay every mistake, every awkward moment, every critical comment in my mind, amplifying them until they consume me. The weight of these doubts presses down on me, making it difficult to breathe, difficult to believe in myself.
I can no longer see any trace of the peace and tranquility I had in summer. The carefree days of summer seem like a distant memory, replaced by the chaos of growing up and the pressure of meeting everyone’s expectations.